Hello, friends!
We are happy to announce that, as we promised earlier, another listing will take place this month. On June 25th FACE Token will appear on the Coinexchange.io. We know that this exchange is quite popular among our contributors, that’s why we are glad to have reached the agreement on our listing.
If you have no experience with exchanges, but you want to start, there are a lot of excellent opportunities for you there - a large number of unique tokens, respectful attitude to personal privacy and simple registration. Also, if you like small and promising trade platforms, our next announcement will be very appreciated - FACE token is already available on the very young exchange - wandx.co.
If these exchanges do not suit you according to any reason - then remember, that we are working with all popular exchanges and we will continue the process of listing on other trade platforms. Follow our news - they definitely will not leave you unsatisfied.
Moreover, if you missed, it is highly recommended to see our latest tech-update (
goo.gl/8ouaNv), in which we have briefly described the activities of the past few weeks. A little earlier in “the news from the dev fields” (
goo.gl/vFd6uy) we have demonstrated our latest achievements in machine learning and recognition technology.
For the nearest future we are preparing more pleasant surprises for you, but we need your help to make it work. Please find two minutes and go through our survey (
goo.gl/2ocixngoo.gl/2ocixn). It will help the project very much.