Hey everyone,
I am Richie, the Administrator of EXUS.
EXUS is a tiny crypto-currency that is just starting up.
We have not yet released what our vision is, we continue to hint at it to our community but we are still building up the foundation to ensure that if we do release our vision, enough people see it.
Our core team is comprised of 10 members who are developers (yes more than one), admins and marketers. We realize in order to win your trust, we must be known. I can confirm some of our members will be public about their identities in the near future.
I'm here to offer a
swap for any coins that has become essentially dead, if you are interested, please send me a PM here or go to our
Discord or
Telegram and reach out to me there.
We're doing this to further expand our community, there are no conditions to the swap, the ratio might differ between different coins depending on the total coins in circulation and value.
Thank you,
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