Neocoin will use a new unique algorithm mixing the modified PPC's 'exponential moving average' difficulty/reward adjustment with random rewards. The random rewards will stop when the difficulty is ~0.1. The random rewards are not made for fun, they help achieve a better distribution of money when the difficulty is low.
The difficulty starts at ~0,005.
The Daemon runs a server. you don't need to configure anything. The source code will be available on github a few minutes after the first start.
If you have crashes try the compatibility mode, go to the icon that starts the wallet>right click>properties>click the compatibility tab>Run in Windows XP (ServicePack 3) compatibility mode
If you want to turn off sound notifications when you are mining just use the command line argument -nosound
- New RPC command added: 'getreward' (usefull for pools)
Neocoin has been developed for several months to create the most innovative coin on the market.
Necoin Team.