Here it is finally. This batch now has the ability to be updated remotely. Designed in Windows 10. Should work on Vista or later builds that have Powershell version >= 2.0.
I've hit a few speed bumps along the way but have finally been able to get a version that I can finally release that works as I expect it to.
Currently it's almost identical in function to the original manual farm control batch except for a few key points:
The miner package now has a name (mminer), and comes with all associated miner apps that I am presently using with it.
The batch can now update itself to a newly released version of the code; as well as download any needed/necessary miner applications required for the new updated version.
The batch now stores it's key variables in text files for ease of configuration and the ability to update the batch itself.
Please view README.txt in the application folder for more descriptions on the modifiable variables.
Future plans:
1) Incorporate the automatic algo switching functions into this batch. So if for instance you would set your requested algo to be "auto", the miner would do the regular stratum controlled mining like my original automatic batch file does. This is going to happen, but not started as of yet.
2) Add static variable for update URL for easier end-user updates; as well as disabling the update feature.
3) Get the project onto github for ease of file distribution as well as peace of mind. My old tripod URL will only handle soo much traffic, and I know the second I have to upload a 30+Mb file to pass onto who knows how many miners; things could get ugly quick. I have not 100% fully tested a lack of internet connection to the miner, or lost connection at different times of the script running aside from updating. Trying to figure out a reasonable amount of retires before starting over or simply bypassing the update features.
4) Add AMD Rx card support (Big thanks to phil for making this possible)
5) Combine all app variables into a single text file
6) Create auto-normalization script to only be run once; This will only be for the automatic miner batch once its incorporated. I am still considering making a template for each generation of card. Looking for more user input on this. My initial thoughts are to have the batch retrieve the hashrate results in a way that a 'grep' works in linux. Currently researching Windows alternatives.
As always, I am always willing to update to a newer and better miner app; just please provide me with a download link and the information about it (why its better, etc). If it seems like the right route to go, I will incorporate it into an update to mminer after I get it tested for stability at least on one of my machines.
Download mminer 2.0 Here:!VaYyib6Y!g5h51YtFFSOBwSl41ZxIXL1aVG9kakZ87dFGu98ZKj0*NOTE: If you are getting powershell errors and the miner never launches, download this updated mminer.bat, and replace the one in your mminer folder. Should fix it. If not, let me know. This hotfix will be applied to all future versions:!gPIj2BxK!DrKgS92Z68bdTCybLKVf8084AbLRjFO8QOgiXlELe_YKnown issues:
02/18/2018: Some ccminer variants included are not playing well with the new release of windows 10, or the new nvidia drivers. I am seeking more versatile replacements for these apps. Specifically ccminer180.exe. In my next update, it will probably be superseded by ccminerxevan.exe as it has been working for me.
Mminer version history:
2.0: Initial public release version.
1.9: Final test of update to test heuristics. *was successful*
1.5: First successful update
1.1: second test update version
1.0: Alpha version; initial code for auto-updates
A link to the original batch and thread:
A link to the second batch and thread:
A link to the original manual control batch:
A link to the xmr-stak-JK no-devfee build:
A link to the system and app rebooter batch:
A link to the internet connection monitor/restart batch:
Donations not necessary but always welcomed: 1pz4yZ6DAjn4ho7x2FiEqE6VVEvefFxK9 I rarely check this address.