20 000 eco
Todo We offer a bounty prize for a online shop made from scratch, avoiding any already known shop template/framework. This project must be EcoCoin ready, using our Payment System provided @ .
Why There are plenty of online shops for people to deploy, but few has the payment method already built-in to start the business. Since we developed our own Payment API System, we are willing to make it easier for everyone that wants to sell ecologic products online.
Requirements In order to have a stable shop framework, we intend to have the following:
- PHP and/or Python
- Bitcoin Ready
- EcoCoin Ready has default (using API from official website)
- From scratch, not based on any other Shop premade script.
- Running from the first time, must be asked for installation. (Salt, Domain, DB info etc…)
- Ask for registration @ - All currency comparison from EcoCoin/Bitcoin
- Easy API Setup after registration, ask for API key, salt, callback URL defined upon previous registration.
- Back-End > Manage Orders/Clients
- Back-End > Manage Products/Categories
- Back-End > Contacts/Newsletter
- Back-End > WebShop settings (Update via GitHub, Title, Meta-Tags)
- Back-End > Statistics (Views/Purchases by location/timeframe)
* Would prefer workinig under GitHub @ any further question, feel free to PM.