I'm selling 160 chips from t13hydra's Group Buy Batch #1.
Here is my order:
Order No. of Chips Total BTC Address
1 160 12.96 1Armrgseyjm9qTYhkZGGqos2EU4hAFN4X9
Here is the group buy:
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=187660.msg2377646#msg2377646I'm order #1 in batch #1.
Starting bid is the original price: 0.081BTC/chip.
Minimum increment is 0.001 per chip.
Auction will end at 02:00:00 PM, August 28.
t13hydra will confirm and escrow the transaction: please remember you need an address you can sign messagges with.
Have a nice day!