What is Cardano [ADA] ? - Everything You Need To Know
There are so many cryptocurrencies already existing in the market such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin etc and they became popular due to
their decentralized apps which are gaining more attention from the investors. Bitcoin is the first in that list and Ethereum is on the second in the list.
Like that, Cardano is the open source decentralized computing platform which was launched in September 2017. It basically runs the
blockchain for ADA Cryptocurrency. From the time it provides the return of almost 1500% which is one of the reasons for its popularity.
History of CardanoCardano is not created by one organization; actually, it is the creation of the three organizations.
Out of that, the first one is the Cardano foundation which is based out in Switzerland. Its main aim is to support Cardano users and to
work with authorities which involve commercial and regulatory matters. It basically acts as a Cardano supervisory and educational body.
The Second one is, Cardano was initiated in 2015 by Charles Hoskinson who is the co-founder of Bitshares and Ethereum and Company
named as Input-Output Hong Kong (IOHK) who is leading in Cryptocurrency development and research.
The Third one is, Emurgo which helps to build the commercial ventures on the existing Cardano blockchain and also at the same time it
invests in the start-ups.
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