Hi crypto friends,
I'm an amateur trader and I work with many exchanges. None of them stole me yet, except... Exmo.
You can find many similar cases on internet about Exmo but I would test by myself to see the reallity.
Now, I can confirm: Exmo is a scam.
What happened:: I initiated a BTC withdrawal from Exmo to a valid kraken adress (january 10). I never received them (january 26). No relative transaction found on blockchain. No more BTC on my Exmo wallet. No informations from support. My BTC "simply disappeared". (like mtgox ??)
Scammers Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=409494https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=257047Reference Link: https://blockchain.info/address/3HpcdVcTvQZeiVNjxnjcojrV9gY8wNjahoAmount Scammed: 0.02216701 BTC
Payment Method: BTC Withdraw
Proof of Payment: Confirmation mail:
Confirmation was done by clicking their link
Transactions history:
10.01 02:29 - Withdrawal BTC -0.02216701
Paid BTC BTC: 3HpcdVcTvQZeiVNjxnjcojrV9gY8wNjaho
PM/Chat Logs: Me (Jan 10):
I made a btc trnasfert 3 hours ago to 3HpcdVcTvQZeiVNjxnjcojrV9gY8wNjaho amount:-0.02216701 BTC.
The destination address is valid, the status is ok on wallet page, but I dont see any transaction on blockchain info.
Could you give me the transaction id plz ? or tell me what is wrong ?
Exmo (Jan 10):
##- Please type your reply above this line -##
Your inquiry (307781) was accepted and is being regarded by our Customer Support service.
In order to add comments, please write the answer to this letter.
Baш зaпpoc (307781) пpинят и paccмaтpивaeтcя нaшeй cлyжбoй пoддepжки.
Чтoбы дoбaвить кoммeнтapии, нaпишитe oтвeт нa этo пиcьмo.
Exmo (Jan 10): (after chat - but i can't retrieve history)
Your inquiry was transferred to the technical department.
You should receive an answer via email.
Thank you for contacting us.
Best regards, Exmo.com Support Team.
C yвaжeниeм, Cлyжбa Пoддepжки EXMO.com
Me (Jan 20):
10 days, and still no response...
Where are my BTC, plz ?
Me (Jan 22):
Hi support,
I'm sorry to insist. No response yet...
My BTC " disappeared" - it looks like more and more a scam...
Additional Notes: destination adress: 3HpcdVcTvQZeiVNjxnjcojrV9gY8wNjaho
inquiry reference: 307781
* exmo.com * maximum scam * minimum service * high-quality f##k you *