Bit train game - be the first to be 7th 3 times! 0.3 BTC award![/u]
Join it here: So, this is a crazy rally, this one...
What you have to do to obtain 0.3 BTC (you may just take it away or participate in the game with it):
I'll start by posting the word, the next player have to respond with another word starting with the last character of the previous word posted by me an so on (like seven-noble-ekuele...). Your aim is to be on the 7th position in the chain 3 times but you can't respond to your own messages (only to somebody else's), except for the 6th message - if you are 6th, you may wait 1 minute at least and respond it to be 7th (but somebody else may do it before!). If the error occurred, you have to start over with the word error...
It's easy and fun
. Try it!