Whats a difference the latest big crytpo hack in Japan has had almost no effect on BTC compared to MTGOX that many say caused the massive bear market we saw in BTC, admitedly BTC was already low but still I think Bitcoin takes the knocks and grows stronger with every blow i think.
Bitcoin always was antifragile, otherwise it would have been long dead by now.
I think the lack of impact on BTC's price level goes to show that by now the exchange ecosystem has become fairly healthy. Keep in mind that MtGox was the largest exchange
by far back in the day. It was Bitcoin's single point of failure and in hindsight pretty much amateur hour. Nowadays not only the quality and security of exchanges has vastly improved, but there's also a wide selection of exchanges available; so the shut down of a single exchange does not matter as much. The exchange market has become de-centralized, so to speak and Bitcoin is stronger because of it.
I honestly think the whole world governement system could ban Bitcoin at this point and it would dip and recover. Bitcoin is becoming Antifragile...
Not sure if a world wide ban of Bitcoin would be all that recoverable, but Bitcoin would definitely still find its niche. Nonetheless it's indeed nothing to worry about, as such a ban would require
all nations of the world to work together. And when was the last time the governments of the world agreed on anything?