Hi to everyone, There's a new exchange starting up this year and its going to be dope! Yes, it's another exchange (which most will say "Ok. So What?") But check out the previews and join the community and you will see why this is going to be a winner!
Community telegram:
We are proud to announce release of preview of CoinPulse Exchange. The following are some of the images to share with you guys. To see the full preview, please visit
www.coinpulse.ioHere is a glimpse of our development work so far for our CoinPulse Exchange where eBCH will be used as a core token (please read Whitepaper to learn about eBCH & CoinPulse). We invite our community members to critically examine these pages and provide constructive feedback so we can incorporate your recommendations in our next phase. Our approach of getting feedback ground-up will definitely make CoinPulse one of the sought after Cryptocurrency Exchanges in the World!
CoinPuse Exchange "Dashboard"
We have designed dashboard to include important information on one page. Dashboard contains quick info about your total worth (portfolio in pie chart), quick wallet balances, quick deposit and withdraw, your deposit/withdraw/trade history, important info about your account and login history. Usually users have to scroll through various pages to find these info on almost all exchanges. Why not see everything in a nutshell? Not many exchanges provide you with your virtual currency’s current market price in $ amount! We have it on our exchange, hence no more calculations of sats to $.
CoinPuse Exchange "Trading Page (Night Mode)"
Many of you suggested us to include a feature for automatic movement of stop loss. Yes, we are incorporating this feature. Meaning that - your stop loss will automatically increase if the virtual currency’s price shoots up. Stop loss will increase in proportion of price increase in virtual currency’s market price. Maximum profit.
Plus quick deposit/withdraw right from the trading window! No hassles of going to wallets page to deposit/withdraw respective currency.
CoinPuse Exchange "Trading Page (Day Mode)"
Day/night mode - activated
CoinPuse Exchange "Discounted Trading"
Discounted Trading - as most of you know, CoinPulse will be giving a discount of 70% in trading fee if you use eBCH (to be swapped with CPL later - more info coming soon) to pay trading fee. Keep in mind that discount applies to any and all trading pairs and not just eBCH pairs. You are not losing out by purchasing eBCH tokens, how? Because eBCH’s market price at the time of trading will be considered and hence you are clearly saving 70% in dollar amount!
CoinPuse Exchange "Swap"
The Team has decided to rebrand EBCH tokens as CPL tokens. A swap will be executed upon launch of the exchange at an appropriate ratio to be determined on the date of launch of the exchange. The following page will make it easy and smooth for the community to swap their tokens. This SWAP page will also be used in the future for several other things including discounted investments in ICOs using CPL tokens.