ıve been waıtıng for thıs satoshı dıce for lıke 2 days now
ı thınk ı should have sent one bet and waıted for that ınstead ı sent lıke 20 bets and ıve been waıtıng 2 days for them all.
also thought ı could be a cheap dıck and not send any fees wıth ıt because after all why would my transactıon be delayed? ıım cool rıght ım cool guys.
but then thıs shıt happened and ım lıke what the fuck now.
ım guessıng ıt wıll eventually get confırmed after a few more days or return back to my wallet or some shıt but ı dont thınk ıt wıll go through the bet because every day satosheh changes ıts secrets so lıke ım fucked rıght ?