I am having an electrician install a 200AMP panel on a 3 phase transformer and was wondering if I should go 220V vs 110V? I want to maximize the panel as much as possible, don't care about the electricity cost as much. Going to be running S9's and L3+'s.
If you have a 3 phase circuit i suggest you take the advantage of using the 220V configuration, the cable you have to use is a lower AWG thant in 110V bacause you devide the Ampacity of the cables by 2 when you are using 2 phases and 3 on 3 phases circuit.
The cables stay at lower temperatures and the degradation will be 0%.
The electrician must be able to distribute equaly the charges in the circuit and you may configure 1 S9 + 1 L3 in a single outlet, at 2100 amps @ 220V = only 9 amps per phase.
Use dryer outlets so there are no hot spots in all your circuit!.
If any questions please ask.