How will this work?
A simple overview about the process is like this:
1. Persons download our app that will be available on February 21st.
2. Then provides details about themselves - name, last name and country of origin, e-mail address. We verify this information using several government and non-government databases. Also we check if the persons are not on any Sanction list or a PEP. Additionally we check if the person is not from countries where Token Sales are not allowed.
3. After that persons take a photo of their ID document. We verify if that it is not a forgery.
4. After that persons are asked to take photo or video of themselves. We do face matching with ID document.
5. After all checks are passed, person transfers a small amount of ETH to identity address displayed in app to link wallet to their identity. ETH sent will be refunded, except gas.
6. When transfer is complete, app offers to link wallet address to identity. This wallet must be used when participating in ICO. Multiple wallet addresses can be linked.
7. After linking person can register for participation in ICO by selecting ICO name from a list or entering address manually.
8. User the is asked for approval to send personal information to selected ICO address.
9. After approval process is complete and app generates encrypted package of personal information, stores it in IPFS.
10. Link to package is sent ICO organiser and encrypted package can only be opened with private key in ICO organiser’s posession.
More information can be found in White Paper: