What will be the main source of demand here?Who are the ppl that will use this project?Needs clarification
- INTRO Analytica - is a business intelligence system for monitoring and management of the off-plan development.
Today, the INTRO Analytica system is used by over 20 large Russian construction holdings, investors, banks and the Russian authorities, as well as by the leading architects and mass media.
- INTRO Sale - is a private online auction with up to 30% discount on off-plan properties.
The development of IINTRO Sale began in July 2017, commercial launch takes place in January 2018.
- INTRO REstate - is an online store of off-plan and new built properties sold at developers’ prices.
Development of INTRO REstate is scheduled for 2018.
- ИHTPO COINvest - is a social application for property buyers.
The app development is underway from September 2017, the launch is planned for July 2018.