Not arguing sir. I raised a very valid security hole in your system.
Your site needs help. I've already pointed out like 5 flaws which you fixed..
Not saying your site is shit. Just saying it needs tested better.
And if I really had malicious intent. I would have ran with those 2 pennies and told you to fuck your hat.

Unban me so we can find more faux pas!
Excuse me? You haven't pointed out a single flaw, you pointed out a couple of bugs which I fixed and thanked you for pointing it out.
I enabled withdrawals for your account because I trusted you to not abuse it. You abused it. This is not a security flaw, it is a lesson in "do not trust MRKLYE". Obviously you've decided that your reputation is worth more than 2 cents and returned it.
There is zero reason to continue spamming if you had no malicious intent.
I'm not the kind of person that takes bullshit.