Voluntary Compliance is based on the fact that you and your name are not found anywhere in the IRS Code, and the only way that you can be forced into taxes is by some kind of “voluntary compliance” agreement that you voluntarily sign with the IRS when you fill out one of their forms. If you lose an IRS case in the courts, it's because you signed an IRS form, and an agreement with your attorney, thereby becoming a ward of the court, subject to whatever outcome they desire.
If you stand as a man/woman in court, present rather than represented by yourself or anyone else, you can be in common law court. Take your claim to a Federal District Court with a claim against a man/woman acting as an IRS agent, who has or is damaging you. You don't owe taxes until
you say or otherwise show that you do.
Most of us don't know what this is about, because we have watched all those law programs on TV.
Judge Judy is an example of a common law court where the judge has been elected by the "combatants" to be the judge. The alternative would be a jury, where the judge has no authority other than referee, if it is brought under common law in a court of record.
A court of record can only be held in a Federal District Court, or a State court. It is never held in an administrative court, like traffic court, or the IRS court, or any simple county or city court.
To understand more about all this, and how easy it really is, Google and Youtube search on "Karl Lentz common law." A good beginning look at what Karl does and how he does it is here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Twn96nj0jfw&list=PLHrkQxgz0mg6kUBciD-HIvTXByqjcIZ-D&index=10To see an in depth, 5-your video of Karl, go here:
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/qN3MI70PFBw/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCPYBEIoBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLD2YCgqXIOvKqr-1kDjgy-U9UAZmQFor some 500 video/audio snippets of Karl's points, go here: