Hi! I'm introducing Riecoin.
This is a new coin with proof of work based on prime numbers. Riecoin is forked directly from Bitcoin
0.8.4 EDIT: I'll be including changes from 0.8.5 and is not related to primecoin. I've been working for some time now on a prime number proof-of-work coin. While I knew that the user primecoin was taken on github, its launch took me as a surprise while my work was still not finished. Luckily primecoin's approach is different to riecoin's (I don't use Cunningham chains), and I think riecoin has some good advantages so I kept going with the experiment.
It will have some ltc-like parameters: 2.5mins per block starting with 50 coins per block.
I'm a software developer but not a designer, so I'm starting a logo contest. The coin is named after Bernhard Riemann, whose work on prime numbers was revolutionary. I'll do a fair launch without premine or instamine, so I cannot set a big bounty for this contest, all I can promise is your name and contact info of your desire in the about dialog and/or the splash screen of the QT wallet (I'll choose the winner), and the first block I mine (that's 50 RIC).
Since Riemann is already on the coin's name, I don't feel it's necessary to have his face on the logo.
I thought it could contain a lower-case Greek letter zeta with 1 or 2 bars (like $ is an S with a bar) as an homage to the Riemann zeta function, but I'm open to whatever looks good.
EDIT: since zetacoin already uses the zeta letter, If you decide to use it I suggest you do it in a subtle way, ie don't make it the main feature of the logo. Another cool drawing that could be used for inspiration can be found here:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Zeta_polar.svg you can see it in a more gentle color on the cover of this book:
http://www.amazon.com/Prime-Obsession-Bernhard-Greatest-Mathematics/dp/0309085497/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&sr=&qid=I like minimalistic designs, but do whatever you like, I'm open to any suggestion.
I need the logo, a .png file for the splash screen (480x320), and the icons in different sizes/resolutions as in bitcoin. If you could provide icons in both .ico and Mac's .icns format it would be awesome. Don't worry if you can't, I can convert the files.
It would be nice to have a different set of images and icons with different colors or something for testnet.
I hope you like the concept, let the contest begin! I'll give it one week, starting now.
EDIT: "Official" twitter: @riecoin