Open Collectors Network©
The first one-of-a-kind token
What is Open Collectors Network ?
Open Collectors Network is the first decentralized platform for one-of-a-kind tokens, where everyone can seamlessly own, create, customize, interact with and trade individual tokens, on an open market, based on existing standard specifications.
What is one-of-a-kind token ?
Best way to explain how we understand this concept, and how it applies to our project, is by example. Imagine you printed 1000 flyers and are handing them out on the street. You don't care which flyer you hand out from the stack, because they are all identical: same size, same content, same purpose etc. This collection of flyers is said to be fungible and it's equivalent to current cryptocurrencies: if you send someone 1 coin, it doesn't matter which one from your wallet it is, any one coin will do.
But let's consider now, another collection: paintings by famous artists. Already, we can tell a difference: though all of them are paintings, if you wanted to buy one, you wouldn't just pick randomly. You like some more than others, some are more expensive and so on. They're non-fungible, as they are all one-of-a-kind and it does matter "which" one it is.
It is this particular type of unique token that our platform is built for, and we strongly believe the use cases for it are endless. For examples, please refer to the Use cases section.
What does the platform do ?
The platform facilitates interactions with and between non-fungible (unique) tokens, with all core functionality decentralized as Ethereum smart contracts:
Anyone can create an individual & unique token, based on the existing ERC721 standard, by using either a seamless user interface or our standard REST/Json API, for more advanced or corporate scenarios.
Interaction rules between your token and other similar tokens can be defined. This allows for customizable, even game-like conditions for your token.
Among already existing tokens which respect the interface and can be traded on our platform are Decentraland, CryptoKitties and CryptoPunks. We foresee many more created in the future by 3rd parties and we support trading of those tokens on our platform.
We are bridging the gap between blockchain technology and every day user: the platform provides an intuitive interface for specifying your token's unique details and token uniqueness (preventing duplicates) will be assured using complex specialized algorithms that are detailed in our white paper.
As popular tokens increase in value over time, they can be traded on an open & decentralized market in multiple forms: fixed price, several types of auctions and swapping with other tokens.
The platform provides trading features such as searching for tokens, contacting token owners (restrictions will apply), the top trending or most valuable tokens, history, orders and many others.
The main benefit of using the ledger for these purposes is increased trust when buying such an item, since the owner is stored on the ledger, so the proof of authenticity is the token itself.
Our platform will host the first exchange where you can create & trade non-fungible (unique) tokens.
In addition, having ECTO in your wallet also offers several benefits, according to a special proof-of-stake algorithm:
- Discounts for all operations
- Voting rights for features that the platform should implement first
- Airdrops given out periodically, in the form of ECTO airdrops, based on a combination of activity on the platform and the amount of ECTO you hold ( 25% activity, 75% ETCO balance )
Activity is measured in relation with the total activity by all users of the platform.
ECTO stake refers to the amount of ECTO you have in your wallet at the time of calculation.
At the time of our token sale, this mechanism will be fully implemented into smart contracts, for added transparency and accountability.
Do you have a proof-of-concept ?
Yes, we are get-your-hands-dirty technical guys, and the prototype was the first thing we started out with. Check it out at DEMO Warning: Works with Ropsten test network and any created tokens are not guaranteed to be migrated to the live version on mainnet.
What are the use-cases for non-fungible tokens ?
The possible uses cases for unique tokens are almost endless. We have several that are already implemented and more that we have thought about and are working on. But more importantly, it's the ones we didn't think about that are exciting: our platform is open to everyone and we expect innovative ideas to be implemented on top of our platform, especially since it abstracts away all blockchain related complexity.
Just to name a few:
Public: Individuals or groups can tokenize unique things of value to them, for personal use.
Virtual object marketplace for content creators: The ability to buy digital assets with the intent to use them within a game or within the development of a game is possible through leveraging the ERC721 standard. This means the marketplace offers the tools for game developers to sell their creations or use those creations for further game development.
Digital media and rights marketplace: It is worth noting that any digital media could be represented here. This could be a graphic, image, music, book, or anything else that one may want. For example, any artist, writer, musician would be able to sell their asset, as long as it was digital to anyone who wanted to do purchase the asset. Going further, digital rights relating to the ownership of the digital media can be bought and sold via the marketplace. The latter has the benefit of circumventing digital rights auction houses and significantly reducing cost of transacting and the fees related therein. Small creations, like a brand-name, or a logo can be directly held on-chain, whereas larger ones can be stored anywhere on the cloud, and only a hash of their value stored on the ledger. This brings the best of both worlds: cheap/fast storage and full accountability.
Gaming platform: certain types of games, like Magic: The Gathering© or in-game collectibles like a Dragon Lore AWP skin in Counter-Strike©, can be held on the public ledger, increasing accountability and transparency for the owning company. It also makes it trivial to attach & value (virtual currency) to any item.
Business sector: any freelancer or business can easily tokenize their personalized products (like a car, an article or hand-crafted items).
Auction houses: maintaining their inventory on the public ledger to increase trust among its client base.
Discounts: partnerships with companies which can tokenize their products; let's take for example a user which lives and breathes Apple products; he will create/buy different Apple unique tokens, at which point he, or even we, can approach the company and obtain discounts for him as a reward.
Embedded: features like 'Facebook like button' that can be easily put up in place using only a script tag on your website.
User identity: Our platform aims to partner with a KYC solution, where after a user has his identity verified, a unique token for him is created on the blockchain. Whenever the user needs to verify his identity with another web site, he can use Metamask to sign a transaction verifying he is the owner of the token with all his information and the web site can double-check using our API. The same can apply for the more ordinary use case of logging into a website and it would work in just the same way as logging in with Facebook or Google, except it would be decentralized and you would own your credentials, not a 3rd party company.
BlockchainCollection: One of the most basic and common patterns in coding in general is using a collection of objects with different attributes. Standard ones include array, list, dictionary, hashmap and there are many open source libraries which provide specialized collections (think C++ Boost, .Net C5 etc). Our platform will provide such an open-source library with collections that store objects on the public ledger, bringing with it all the benefits of decentralization while abstracting away all blockchain complexity. All that would be needed is just a wallet capable of signing transactions.
What kind of team is working on this?
We are a hard working team with over 50 years of combined programming, testing, product management and marketing experience, who have a burning desire to be part of the blockchain revolution.
Andrei Dan Singeorzan ( Co-founder ) - Development Manager @ Ivanti
Ion Cosmin Grigore ( Co-founder ) - Software Developer @ Ivanti
Grant Tiller - Director of Product Management @ Ivanti
Florin Stefan - Service Line Manager @ Stefanini
Daniel Taivan - Test Manager @ Stefanini
Iulian Andei Popescu - Senior Software Developer @ Ivanti
Florentina Marina Grigore - Software Developer @ ING
Spasenie Alexandru - Android Developer @ Stefanini
Stefan Mihai Stanescu - Senior Legal Counsel @ SCP Stoica & Asociatii
Sabin Girlea - Director of Operations @ Stefanini
Cristian Tamas - Senior eSports Manager @ Twitch
Mike Boutwell - Founder @ cryptoadvisors.io, Blockchain Technology Advisor @ Spectre & NNBU
Dylan Senter - Co-founder @ Spectiv
Laura Toma - Co-founder @ Renowed&Co, Marketing Consultant @ AmaZix
Reinhard Brongers - Senior Software Architect @ Ivanti
Alexandru Savulescu - Founder @ Retrotech
What are the specifications and distribution details for your token ?
Name: Open Collectors Network
Symbol: ECTO
Decimal places: 18
Total Supply: 150.000.000
Sale Supply: 97.500.000
Burnable: Yes
How are you planning to make use of funds ?
In addition to the development of the exchange platform itself, we put emphasis on marketing and attracting strategic partners. We believe this is key to a successful product, and development will be an agile, interactive process, based on the needs of users & partners.
Do you have an airdrop ?
Yes, we’re giving 200 ECTOs to first 2000 users that join our telegram group and register for token sale. ECTOs will be distributed 2 months after ICO
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