I have two computers (with windows installed), and installed in both of them a bitcoin wallet (bitcoin-0.8.1-win32). a laptop and a desktop.
Since i had to replace my laptop hard drive,i made a back up and copied an pasted the full drive into a secondary hard drive in my desktop, (a storage hard drive you know...). Overmore i made a copy of the "bitcoin-0.8.1-win32" folder into a flash drive too.
I had some bitcoins on my laptop, thats why i backed it up. But my desktop wallet was empty.
Now when i try to open any of the wallets from my desktop, all my bitcoins are missing!
I noticed that executing bitcoin-qt.exe would open always the same wallet as the "receiving addresses" shown, no matter what instance of bitcoin-qt.exe is executed is always the same, and none of the times is the address i had on my laptop (i know the address, as it is kept in the mining pool where i made my bitcoins).
I even tried to uninstall bitcoin from my desktop and when execting either the bitcoin-qt.exe on my secondary hard drive with the laptoback or my flash drive, it keeps showing the same address on the wallet, as if there where some kind of redirection to some user setting or anything?
what can i do to get back my bitcoins?
I haven't deleted ANY information, only moved it between drives, but it should be there somewhere.