I have my last two GPUs for sale. Both are Gigabyte Windforce3 HD7950 3GB. 3 fan units. Part number is GV-R795WF3-3GD REV2.0.
Both have mined BTC and LTC for about 6 months. They both work fine. One is slightly noisier than the other as one of the heatsink fins rattles. I haven't been able to figure out which one, it's barely noticable over the noise of the fans when mining.
Extra heatsinks have been added to the back of the card for extra VRM cooling during scrypt mining.
Supplied in original boxes. I will try and find the cables and stuff that came with the cards, but no promises. If I find them I'll ship them. Consider them to be bare cards in original boxes.
Will take BTC4 or nearest offer for the pair, shipped to you.