1. Crazycoin: As fast as possible to produce the greatest amount of the coins. Difficulty only continued to decline. Suitable for simulated unlimited inflation. (What a crazy world!)
2. Randomcoin: Most of the parameters are random decision. (This must be fun!)
3. AIcoin: All computing power have contributed to the AI which build into the distributed systems. This distributed AI systems then decided what's it wants to give as feedback/reward. (No! I didn't created the Matrix.)
4. Onecoin: The total number to be issued is One. With (almost) unlimited number of digits after the decimal point. (This coin will only be used by the AI of AIcoin?)5. Destrocoin: All coins are pre-generated by the system as initial value. All computing power will be use for eliminate these figures to manufacturing deflation. All new created wallet will already have large quantity of coins inside but if you don't send them to another wallet with less coin than these coins will subjected to destroy. (Utopia of equal distribution of wealth?)
6. Immortalcoin: Every coin are back by one life's DNA data. If this coin continuous flow to the (long enough) permanent, future technology will allow this life to revive again and again and again. (Do you really want to become an electronic ghost and spend by people?)
7. ... (Speak too much)
Which one do you like? I might consider opening a development project.
note: This can be move to the Off-topic since none of them are working cryptocurrencies.