As I have read in some topics (,, a payment server is needed for a broader acceptance of Bitcoins.
I want to create a php webapplication which can process Bitcoins transactions. I have a LAMP system up and running, but until now I used bitcoins on Windows only. Can anyone help me to create a linux installation of Bitcoins with a command line interface?
Server runs Ubuntu 9.10 32-bit. Or should I use a different distribution?
My idea is simple:
- visitor wants to buy something;
- payment page shows him the amount of Bitcoins he has to pay, including an orderid and a ip-address of the server (because messages can only be sent through ipaddress-transactions);
- visitor makes a payment with his Bitcoin application and places the orderid in the message of the payment;
- server receives payment and checks orderid and amount;
- payment is received, visitor is sent a downloadlink/confirmation of purchase/etc.
Think this is possible with Bitcoin 0.2?