Always amazed by the amount of research people do before they post something.
I'm amazed at how you keep ignoring questions asked by the community. Anyone who does any research will find that you are obviously lying about many aspects of this project & many of your "team" are simply stolen identities from the web.
This is your last chance - unless you answer the questions I've asked on 4 occasions without reply, you'll leave me no choice but to open a scam accusation against your "project" where I will provide the proof of my findings.
Answer the fella Khilone7.
To be honest am surprised you're advising this scammy project.
thought you did well with Stratis.
such a shame.....

It's my policy to not engage with those kind of posts with no substance on Bitcointalk, it's a waste of my energy and time which I rather spend on educating people about the projects I help out. So my sole reason on Bitcointalk is to spread the information for the people that don't follow Discord, Twitter, Telegram, Reddit or some other channel. Any legit questions about information about the project will be answered properly.
That being said, there already has been a post from one of the advisors who already confirmed he has worked with the others as well.
Anyone that knows me, knows that I have been with Stratis for over 2,5 years and that I have been helping them voluntarily for that period of time and I spend countless hours and still do. In that 2,5 years this is the first project I attached myself to in this compacity, meaning an official advisor. You can expect me to have done days of research, meaning reading every single document that has ever been published by Beaxy or a 3rd party about Beaxy, countless hours of asking questions and talking with the CEO and other key members of the project. As an advisor I try to bring value and awareness to this project in all ways I can imagine and they let me.
After all that research I decided to join Beaxy and ever since I did I have been more impressed by the day, these guys are one of the most transparent teams out there. All the information is out there for anyone to see. I advised them not to engage with posts of no substance on Bitcointalk as I rather have them focused on building the exchange which should launch in Q1.
We had this discussion before with our ambassadors and to explain that I wrote an article about it -> are so many people in the Beaxy community already and interested in the project and so far we only got one person who keeps on bringing this up, the others know the advisors are legit. So I am not going to waste my time on 0.001% while 99.999 % knows it's legit.
I am not to going to engage after this post either, if you guys don't trust it, that's your good right and you can do whatever you want with it.
I want to close with that I would never get myself into with a scam project, my core values in crypto and life always have been honesty, transparency and loyalty so I expect the projects I work with (Stratis and Beaxy) to work along the same values.
I have been over this with Stratis countless times as well, and so many false claims were made there, it's part of crypto and Bitcointalk. I for one don't spend my energy on it (except for this one post).