February 13, 2018, 07:37:12 PM |
Hello SimplicityDev, Good Projeckt xD Now, I'm looking for a MAC Wallet, and if there is update that will be great  Can you let us know, in what time will be provided MAC Wallet ? Regards: SHNICI - Georgi
SimplicityDev (OP)
Activity: 35
Merit: 0
February 13, 2018, 10:09:46 PM |
Hello SimplicityDev, Good Projeckt xD Now, I'm looking for a MAC Wallet, and if there is update that will be great  Can you let us know, in what time will be provided MAC Wallet ? Regards: SHNICI - Georgi will ask someone to build it right away.

Activity: 250
Merit: 10
February 14, 2018, 05:33:45 AM |
mn how to install?
Activity: 63
Merit: 0
February 16, 2018, 12:00:08 AM |
wow , tks dev for the transltation , i received the coin
Activity: 63
Merit: 0
February 16, 2018, 03:43:29 AM |
do you have a roadmap or something becuz i can not see what we're gonna do now .
February 16, 2018, 05:37:00 AM |
Hello SimplicityDev, Good Projeckt xD Now, I'm looking for a MAC Wallet, and if there is update that will be great  Can you let us know, in what time will be provided MAC Wallet ? Regards: SHNICI - Georgi will ask someone to build it right away. Hello, just in case to aak if the wallet it's rdy, but isn't posted here ? Also have and other issue, on windows 10 PC I run the masternode, but it keep go off after few hrs (probably after 3-4hrs) what can be the reason ? Regards: SHNICI - Georgi
Activity: 63
Merit: 0
February 16, 2018, 08:47:20 AM |
Hi Dev, U need to maketing your coin to everyone , the discord group is very low ...
SimplicityDev (OP)
Activity: 35
Merit: 0
February 16, 2018, 08:46:16 PM |
Ok so Beta testing is underway now and I will let you know the outcome when finished. I hope to have all Issues if any with the beta wallet sorted so it can be released in around 1 - 2 weeks. Thanks
February 16, 2018, 09:34:37 PM Last edit: February 16, 2018, 09:45:58 PM by SHNICI |
Ok so Beta testing is underway now and I will let you know the outcome when finished. I hope to have all Issues if any with the beta wallet sorted so it can be released in around 1 - 2 weeks. Thanks
So what I figure out: The ,asterNode in the wallet isn't working properly after running, it stay on for 3-4 hrs, and it go off by it self (by some reason). When we "Exit" the wallet, it stay forever in the task, and the task manager (it don't exit). also and the icon in the task menu (bottom right corner close to the clock) most of the time the icon of the wallet disappear and there stay just clear square. Too my one never stake yet. (3 days later with over 200K SPL in) Something else: the masternode can't run it from the console, it give me : ->masternode start ->not capable masternode: Could not connect to *.*.*.*:11957 (*.*.*.* = my ext IP) Sometimes I can run the masternode from the menu from the wallet, but most of the time it show me error: [img=" https://image.prntscr.com/image/QPW_TLHPSR28PVcyyoHwNw.jpeg"][/img] Regards: SHNICI - Georgi
February 17, 2018, 02:59:36 AM |
Ok so Beta testing is underway now and I will let you know the outcome when finished. I hope to have all Issues if any with the beta wallet sorted so it can be released in around 1 - 2 weeks. Thanks
I would like to be a beta tester. What do I need to do in order to apply for this?
SimplicityDev (OP)
Activity: 35
Merit: 0
February 17, 2018, 06:52:54 PM |
Ok so Beta testing is underway now and I will let you know the outcome when finished. I hope to have all Issues if any with the beta wallet sorted so it can be released in around 1 - 2 weeks. Thanks
So what I figure out: The ,asterNode in the wallet isn't working properly after running, it stay on for 3-4 hrs, and it go off by it self (by some reason). When we "Exit" the wallet, it stay forever in the task, and the task manager (it don't exit). also and the icon in the task menu (bottom right corner close to the clock) most of the time the icon of the wallet disappear and there stay just clear square. Too my one never stake yet. (3 days later with over 200K SPL in) Something else: the masternode can't run it from the console, it give me : ->masternode start ->not capable masternode: Could not connect to *.*.*.*:11957 (*.*.*.* = my ext IP) Sometimes I can run the masternode from the menu from the wallet, but most of the time it show me error: [img=" https://image.prntscr.com/image/QPW_TLHPSR28PVcyyoHwNw.jpeg"]http://[/img] Regards: SHNICI - Georgi it stay on for 3-4 hrs,Have you lowered MAXCONNECTIONS= in your .conf file ??, There are Masternodes Running that have had absolutely 0 problems. And those people are in our Discord. When we "Exit" the wallet, it stay forever in the task, and the task manager (it don't exit)Yes it does, it just takes a while longer than some others. not capable masternode: Could not connect to *.*.*.*:11957That means you have not correctly configured the MN Sometimes I can run the masternode from the menu from the wallet, but most of the time it show me error: [img="https://image.prntscr.com/image/QPW_TLHPSR28PVcyyoHwNw.jpeg"][/img]Again, That means you have not correctly configured the MN. Ok so Beta testing is underway now and I will let you know the outcome when finished. I hope to have all Issues if any with the beta wallet sorted so it can be released in around 1 - 2 weeks. Thanks
I would like to be a beta tester. What do I need to do in order to apply for this? Jump on our Discord and dl the beta wallet. Report everything back to me 
SimplicityDev (OP)
Activity: 35
Merit: 0
February 19, 2018, 01:06:24 PM |
O.P updated.Masternode Setup added to O.P (not the best, But ain't the worst lol) along with more bounties that have been paid. We should have a trading PAIR very shortly too  along with some great updates. Beta testing still in progress.
SimplicityDev (OP)
Activity: 35
Merit: 0
February 21, 2018, 10:09:45 AM |
Ok guys so I'm working on adding CLI etc into Simplicity now I'm i'd say 2/3rd done on that which will mean when complete we will be branching towards the more upto date methods Ie by using Simplicity-CLI Simplicity-TX etc.
I will not publish the code until it is fully complete do to obvious reasons I don't want to mess builds up at the moment for everyone else. So once it is finished and I have complied on Ubuntu, windows, mac and rpi and all does as it should I will then Commit the full code update along with more detailed info than this. Chhers
SimplicityDev (OP)
Activity: 35
Merit: 0
February 22, 2018, 04:36:26 PM |
Activity: 13
Merit: 0
February 23, 2018, 07:38:22 AM |
Great to see the active development and daily updates on GitHub 
Activity: 63
Merit: 0
February 25, 2018, 08:25:04 AM |
Waiting for the Exchange .This coin will be flown far away