Dear fellow bitcointalkers,
As the name says, I'll be listing the in my opinion top 4 most reliable ICO rating websites here, along with a small description and personal opinion on each of them. I'll be happy to also hear your opinions on 'em and discuss.
ICObenchICObench is a social ICO Rating platform supported by their very own bot named benchy. Anyone can register, fill out some information about himself and apply as an expert. In case you get approved, you are now able to publicly rate ICOs based on three factors: Team, Vision, and Product.
In order for these ratings to be as accurate as possible, ICObench has published a strict rating methodology, which everyone has to follow. However, based on my knowledge there isn’t any kind of control whether people are really following their rating methodology.
In addition to those rather subjective ratings, ICObench uses the already named bot benchy to give an automated “ICO Profile” rating, looking if enough information is provided on the official ICO website. Again, I am not really sure how this bot works and if it really is able to find all necessary information, even if it is there. Or the other way around, if there’s some way to trick it.
ICORatingICORating is one of the, if not the, first ICO Rating platform out there. The website acts as an agency and focuses on evaluating ICOs based on their hype and risk score. Both of these factors are extremely important for the short term investment potential of an ICO.
The agency also provides thoroughly researched analysis of ICOs, not rarely almost as long as reading the ICOs whitepaper itself. What should be mentioned is that this service is a paid one which ICOs have requested themselves. Personally I think that ICORating’s target group are professional ICO Investors who are most probably investing in a dozen ICOs per month and just looking for short term profit, not caring a lot about the future development of a project.
A problem I see here is that ICOs have to pay a (quite large) amount of money to be thoroughly rated, but from my experience I don’t really think ICORating is biased or corrupt in any way.
ICOchampsICOchamps is my very own platform. You’re probably wondering why I’ve only listed it third on this list then, aren’t you? The reason is that the website is still under heavy development and I can still see advantages in some points for my competitors. However I find our rating the most reliable (of course), and you can stay tuned on seeing many more features coming in the next couple weeks. Enough talking, let’s tell you more about the website:
ICOchamps focuses on evaluating ICOs based on Hype, Risk, Profit Potential and Longterm Potential. Each of these evaluations are determined based on smaller rating factors, most of which you can read in our FAQ section. Investors have the option to also take a look at these smaller rating factors and see why we’ve rated them the way they are rated. This way, we try to be as open as possible with our ratings.
Important: some of the things mentioned here have also not yet been implemented, but will be very soon. You can be absolutely certain about our rating approach though.
Additionally, you are directly upfront able to see whether an ICO already has a working MVP/Prototype of the project they want to finance or not, along with whether they are using a safe Escrow Service or have a verifiable Soft Cap in their crowdsale code.
CrushCryptoI really like CrushCrypto.
It is a cryptocurrency analysis website not focusing solely on ICOs, but they have their own section for it. You won’t find a real ICO List with ratings here but rather written analyzes of projects they find interesting. What I find really comfortable is that they have their own YouTube Channel and are creating an extra YouTube Video for every analysis, presented by a young woman named Victoria.
However, looking at their analysis approach I think their ratings are more longterm based and should not be taken too seriously from people looking for short term investments.
So, that's it. Let me hear your opinion. What websites do you personally use in order to find good ICOs? Is there maybe anything I've missed here?