You can check the size of the file blockchain_headers. If the file is >40.7 MB - then you are in synch.
On a Mac, open Finder, select GO -> Go to Folder -> enter ~/.electrum to see the above file.
If everything is in synch, and still don't see your history, then you most likely have the wrong seed.
Thanks for that tip @nerioseole. The blockchain_headers file is showing as 40.7 MB. And as @Abdussamad noted, I was already seeing the green dot.
He's seeing a green dot guys.
Click on the green dot and tell us what the value is for blockchain? There are also other steps you can try which are listed
here. Things like switching servers and checking addresses.
When I click on the green dot, I see "Blockchain: 508843 blocks", and I see I am connected to 10 nodes. Is that the correct block count?
I will check out the other steps you linked to, and then report back.
==> Update: read the FAQ, tried switching servers, I do see that when Electrum connects to a different server the dot is briefly red, then blue-circling-arrows, then green again (for most servers, some that I tried were 64 blocks behind so they stayed red / blue). Not changing what my balance or history is. The FAQ suggests changing the gap limit if I had changed it before... I did not _consciously_ change it before, but is it possible that the default is different in Electrum 3.0.2, and that I should change it actively here in 3.0.6. to whatever the default value was in 3.0.2.? The final tip in the FAQ is to search for addresses; I will have to try that later - but since nothing else looks familiar I'm guessing that will probably just confirm that things aren't working. Maybe the best thing to do is to create an entirely new wallet with an entirely new seed, then spend the transaction fee to move bitcoin from my old wallet on my old laptop to the new wallet that I set up on the new laptop?
Tips and advice welcome here. Thanks!