He obviously didn’t count on old posts being dug up and exposed in all their dirt and glory. His very first post was about getting someone to apply for a CA driver’s license and sending him a time stamped pic of it in exchange for $1000. People who make such outrageous offers are criminals. There is no $1000. It was meant to entice the naive few here to send him a pic of that license so he can steal their identities.
This is the new Drivers liscence
https://imgur.com/a/vVSfF. It was released 4 days ago. If anyone lives and California, will go to the dmv and get the new liscence and will send me a time stamped image on wickr I will send you $1,000 in crypto. If you think you can do this add CaliforniaDL123 on wickr and message me. Thanks.
He probably did get the ID which is what he is now offering as collateral here. People who cheat others at the expense of previously cheated people are serial scammers. This is a loan to avoid, with or without collateral.