Tokens Allocation( 300,000 Vendi )Twitter Bounty- 75,000
Facebook Bounty- 75,000
Telegram Bounty- 50,000
Video Bounty- 100,000VENDIO TWITTER CAMPAIGN( 75,000 VENDI allocated )Rules and Conditions1. You must follow the official
Vendi Twitter Page2. Only 250 participants is allowed to join the twitter bounty.
3. Each member of Twitter Bounty campaign should have at least 200 followers
4. Retweet a post 3 times a week every other day. Include #Vendicoin #VendiICO
5. Twitter accounts must be original. Fake, dead, inactive and bot accounts will not be accepted.
6. Joining with multiple accounts is not allowed. Users found to be using multi accounts, will be blacklisted.
Rewards200 to 500 followers- 3 stakes/ week
501 to 2000 followers - 5 stakes/ week
2001 to 9999 followers - 7 stakes/ week
10000 followers above - 10 stakes/ week
ApplicationFill up this form: Participants: ReportsWEEK 1(February 11- February 18)WEEK 2(February 19- February 25)WEEK 3(February 26- March 4)WEEK 4(March 5- March 11)WEEK 5(March 12-March 18)WEEK 6(March 19-March 25)Qualified participants Monitor here: FACEBOOK CAMPAIGN( 75,000 VENDI allocated )Rules and Conditions1. You must follow the official
Vendi Facebook Page2. Only 250 participants is allowed to join the facebook bounty.
3. Each member of Facebook Bounty campaign should have at least 200 friends
4. Share a post 3 times a week every other day. Include #Vendicoin #VendiICO
5. Facebook accounts must be original. Fake, dead, inactive and bot accounts will not be accepted.
6. Joining with multiple accounts is not allowed. Users found to be using multi accounts, will be blacklisted.
Rewards200 to 1000 friends- 3 stakes/ week
1001 to 2000 friends - 5 stakes/ week
2001 to 4000 friends - 7 stakes/ week
4001 friends above - 10 stakes/ week
ApplicationFill up this form: Participants: ReportsWEEK 1(February 11- February 18)WEEK 2(February 19- February 25)WEEK 3(February 26- March 4)WEEK 4(March 5- March 11)WEEK 5(March 12-March 18)WEEK 6(March 19-March 25)Qualified participants Monitor here: TELEGRAM CAMPAIGN( 50,000 VENDI allocated )Rules and Conditions1. Join telegram
Telegram Group2. Use the logo of the Vendio logo as your profile picture on your telegram account and put on your public name until the end of ICO. Example: name |
3. Be active and stay in the group until the end of ICO.
Logo RewardsJoin and wear- 2stakes/ week
ApplicationFill up this form: Participants: VIDEO CAMPAIGN( 100,000 Vendi allocated )Rules and Conditions1. Create high quality and informative video like review of the Website or Whitepaper.
2. Videos must be at least 1:30 minutes long. You must have at least 100 organic subscribers.
3. You should have links to our website and whitepaper.
4. Video may be uploaded to Youtube and/or Facebook
Stakes are based on the quality of the video and as mentioned below:
(Number of viewers will be taken into consideration while determining quality of video)
High Quality- 50 stakes
Average Quality- 30 stakes
Low Quality- 10 stakes
Rejected- 0 Stakes
ApplicationFill up this form: Participants: Reserves the right to change rules on the bounty for further improvement.