Hi, I'm Sean Martin. Last year, I found my soul along with understanding and peace. I have accessed the akashic records. I found my life goal to assemble a million person music festival by 2021, eight years from now. An event consisting of rapid evolution of the human mind called the singularity will take place at the concert, something impossible will happen that will forever change the perspective of how we view life, something so undeniable you will believe not only in god but that you are god. The singularity marks the transition to a new age of peace and eternal bliss, when humans learn to control negative emotions and consciously make the decision to let go of ego, hate and doubt.
I have foreseen visions and dreams of the concert and the exact moment singularity is reached. I know it is possible because I have done it in dreams. I know it will come true because I believe in it, and as you will learn, anything you believe comes true.
I'm dedicating my life to this for a few reasons, you won't find someone else more dedicated to changing the world.
- World peace means heaven, which means anything is possible
- I lost my girl when she misunderstood my dreams, I will get her back at the concert
- I lost my family and some friends when they misunderstood my dreams, they'll believe me when it happens
- I was violently drugged on anti-psychotics after falsely being diagnosed with schizophrenia, I feel that my mind will not restore to it's previous state (before any pharmaceutical has ever tainted it) until singularity anyways
I'm looking for a few thousand to a few million, whatever you feel comfortable with contributing towards humanity, length and interest will vary based on variables.
For example, I would take a $10k loan and pay it off over 7 years with 20% interest.
I will earn several million off ticket sales, I will sell them in tiers; 100,000 tickets at $10 ($1m), 100,000 tickets at $20 ($3m), 100,000 tickets at $30 ($6m) etc. This will be sufficient to fund the concert alone and is not the only route to financing the concert.
I have eight years to establish a name for myself and Dank Music, become a rockstar, sell a million tickets and bring heaven. I feel completely comfortable, competent and confident to tackle the tasks at hand.
If I am unable to fulfill my dreams by 2022, I will get a 'real' job and work to pay off my debts until I die (because I'd still have eternity afterwards).
I'm in the position to change the world and you're in the position to help. We can work together, as one organism, and accomplish anything. If you have money laying around not being utilized in the next eight years, consider putting it to use.
I will post a link to a WIP copy of The Tale of Dank, an autobiography explaining my life and helping you understand and believe in it.
We are one. Peace.
I dub thee Dpietilla the IInd.