Very solid portfolio and quite similar to my own. I tend to face a similar problem, wanting to invest in too many different coins.
If i'd have to get rid of some it would be NAS (don't understand this one), Aragon (don't know it) and xspec (only because of the mindless shilling on this forum, so perhaps not the best reason)
Thanks guys and just a little pointers, nas was created by the founder a neo and he's now trying to crest something like the "Google of blockchain" and the coin isn't to well known with plenty of room to grow, Aragon has a great team and platform and the market cap is very low because it's a type of tech that hasn't gotten popular or mainstream yet but I believe it will soon, and xspec I choose because it looks like a great and super undervalued privacy coin, and then I noticed everyone in this forum seems to like xspec so that's enough motivation for me to chime in since the hype should drive the market cap up in the future alone assuming it's not a scam lol