Lending program is interesting, especially as a passive income option. What is the most realistic return rate?
Thanks for your feedback. You can see the guaranteed profits in the table below. The realistic rate will range between 35% -49%.
The maximum interest rate is 49% per month.
Lending Amount Guarantee Up to Duration
100$ - 1,000$ 0.10% 49.00% 186 days
1,001$ - 5,000$ 0.15% 49.00% 155 days
5,001$ - 9,000$ 0.20% 49.00% 124 days
9,001$ - 40,000$ 0.25% 49.00% 93 days
40,001$ - 90,000$ 0.30% 49.00% 62 days
90,001$ - up to 0.35% 49.00% 53 days