I'll definitely check it out, thanks. Does he assemble them himself or does he have an entire team? Can he handle thousands of orders?
Unfortunately he uses cryptx, who is currently ripping off all of Burnin's existing customers from the Avalon board (incl me) by charging an insane markup. So I'm not endorsing these boards either, just pointing out that they are available
I believe that they can deal with large orders but don't quote me on that & I believe he outsources assembly to a factory.
Well if that's who you decide to go with, best luck to you.
This reminds me of a point I would like to mention -- VMC had over $200,000 worth of Avalon Chips on order and they just received their refund recently. It has been announced that those refunds will be directly used for engineering costs of assembling the PCIe boards for the newer eASIC chips (which is faster than outsourcing when you have a dedicated team like VMC does). This money will serve a much better use now, IMO. It was for the best