I'm hoping you Americans can do away with the TSA and DHS in the near future. I'm sure it's dissuading a lot of foreign tourists from coming, including me. I might consider Porkfest in NH next year though, because I can bus in from Canada.
TSA wasn't so bad when I flew a ~3 years ago from NC to MI. I even had a connection in DC where there was apparently some type of recess in Congress, causing the lobby to be 100% lobbyists & Congressional aides - except me, in a ragged t-shirt and a Jew-y/Amish beard carrying nothing but a few radical books in a repurposed Vietnam-era military jacket. Didn't receive any probes, frisks, or suspicious glances. I was thanking White Jesus that day, though I've been leery about taking flights since.
OTOH, maybe they were just thinking it wouldn't be so bad if I were a domestic terrorist that day.
(what would you tour in the US as a Canadian??? Casinos, natural wonders turned tourist traps, a few decent comedians who probably already tour in Canada anyway...? Startlingly out-of-place nuclear reactors in impoverished rural landscapes? Tour of our piss-beer factories?