Hi everybody, I own 4 shares of Metabank group buy from pidobir. Each share has about 5Gh/s. Now I want to sell them for reasonable price.
My buying record can be found here:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkwpY6JRicSddG96ZW9sbzhoMFoyT0xLWFVjOFR5LWc#gid=2Auction starts from
BTC0.7 for each share.
Minimum increment:
Please bid like x@y, for example: 4@0.7, meaning you want 4 shares of
BTC0.7 each, totally 4*
I'll ask pidobir to transfer the shares to you after payment is made. I have the right to cancel the auction at any stage.
Timer removed. End time: 2013-09-20+8:30:00UTC