The only trading tactics I use are Bollinger bands and RSI. I always wait for both to be above or above in order to buy/sell.
Never fall for telegram groups hyping up the price unrealistically. Bought RPX at $0.69 back in January and everyone was saying $1 is near. It still hasn't come, even with Binance. It's still a good investment, but I sold it for a loss.
ALWAYS know the ICO price of the coin your trading. The price should NOT go below the ICO price if many bought in, so then you'll know where the real bottom is.
There's some experienced traders in here: you see a clear pump, expect a definite dump. For instance, TRX was clearly being pumped off speculation. When you started to see a definite down trend, SELL! NEVER trade off of FOMO. Constantly rethink WHY your making the trades and for what reasons you're doing so. I used to be such an emotional trader. It'll never pay off in the long run.
I know I'm a newbie on this forum, but maybe I'll earn some merit points (;
I was looking forward to seeing some actual information or any kind of in depth information on trading strategies. I guess it doesn't make sense to share it.
I'll have to message/meet up with people and see their success first, then ask for their strategy. If anyone has any kind of information, wants to share information, etc. Let me know. I'm interested!