You seem to be able to reason without resorting to insults and lies - I would be willing to give you a second chance.
Contribute to the community for a couple hundred posts, then remind me and I will remove your negative feedback. You simply cancelling your loans does not automatically reinstate the trust you lost during your actions. Your negative feedback will not hurt you in your day to day interactions on this forum.
Just remember, reputation loans make you look like a scammer. Ask for what you actually need, and provide collateral if needed - that way you'll get your coins and build reputation at the same time.
You may also want to lock this thread if you no longer need it.

Vod is acting like an ass, resorting to manipulation to try and control this forum.
Even after it was evident Vod was wrong about assuming I was a scammer in regards to a loan to i3lome, he refuses to remove the negative feedback he placed on my trust profile. It's very clear I never lied about anything. Hell, I'm the one lending the money, taking all the risk, not trying to borrow anything from anyone. Yet Vod likes to smear me by placing neg feedback saying I'm a "possible ID thief." No proof, just accusations from an ignoramus.
It takes a small mind to not admit you were wrong, when presented with evidence of the contrary.
Apparently Vod likes putting negative feedback on people's profiles because he thinks it makes him look better, like some sort of authority. This would be nice if he did it in a FAIR manner, and removed it when it's OBVIOUS the person is not a scammer.
It's time Vod acts like the man he says he is and stops being stubborn.