equitybase (OP)
Activity: 151
Merit: 0
February 17, 2018, 08:45:58 AM Last edit: April 24, 2018, 08:29:29 PM by equitybase |
Activity: 123
Merit: 0
February 17, 2018, 08:46:49 AM |
equitybase (OP)
Activity: 151
Merit: 0
February 17, 2018, 09:30:10 AM |

Activity: 294
Merit: 10
February 17, 2018, 07:01:39 PM |
Did not find the information on the site. When will the main sale of tokens begin? And when will the ICO ends?
equitybase (OP)
Activity: 151
Merit: 0
February 17, 2018, 09:24:14 PM |
Did not find the information on the site. When will the main sale of tokens begin? And when will the ICO ends?
Presale begins on 2-28, ico ends in 4-30

Activity: 221
Merit: 11
February 18, 2018, 01:38:39 AM |
as this project plan creates developers and investment managers to offer investment opportunities supported by direct investment to investors around the world. the luck project plan continues towards success
equitybase (OP)
Activity: 151
Merit: 0
February 18, 2018, 01:56:28 AM |
as this project plan creates developers and investment managers to offer investment opportunities supported by direct investment to investors around the world. the luck project plan continues towards success
thank you very much
Crypto Girl
February 18, 2018, 01:58:20 AM |
I have seen some real-estate related crypto-projects here but never seen one that made waves and made noise over the cryptoworld, they've just started with a good start like REX but end up flopping. What are the differences of this project from the rest of them?
equitybase (OP)
Activity: 151
Merit: 0
February 18, 2018, 04:20:55 AM |
I have seen some real-estate related crypto-projects here but never seen one that made waves and made noise over the cryptoworld, they've just started with a good start like REX but end up flopping. What are the differences of this project from the rest of them?
Great point, REX is more of a listing services similar to realtor.com, zillow.com, etc.. Our business model emphasize on creating an ecosystem for raising funds for developers, real estate funds. Similar to real estate crowdfunding such as realtyshares, realcrowd and offer asset back tokenize investments without lock in period and would be digital and tradable on our platform with guarantee liquidity. Secondly, we add in a exchange platform for investors which enable them to liquidate their investment holdings without lock in period. Since each listings would have a estimate hold period along with internal return rate (IRR) the price of each shares would goes up daily until to the estimate hold period. So, the longer you hold the investment the more you would make from yield and on liquidity events. Thirdly, we built in a 5% reserve account for each listings to provide liquidity to its investors. We will also have a general reserve pool to be utilize as an umbrella system for platform liquidity as well.
equitybase (OP)
Activity: 151
Merit: 0
February 18, 2018, 10:22:17 PM |
we still have a few spots left on translation for the bounty if anyone has interest
Jr. Member
Activity: 252
Merit: 1
February 19, 2018, 10:08:20 AM |
equitybase is listed on CryptoStillsComing in at a Bronze podium position • Full project presentation • Full media linking • Continuous Twitter news updates • Moderated discussions
CryptoStills (http://cryptostills.com/)
Activity: 34
Merit: 0
February 19, 2018, 10:09:34 AM |
when will token sale begin ?
equitybase (OP)
Activity: 151
Merit: 0
February 19, 2018, 11:47:29 AM |
when will token sale begin ?
pre-sale will be launching on 2/28 with 40% discount
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
February 19, 2018, 08:33:13 PM |
Only one developer in the team?
equitybase (OP)
Activity: 151
Merit: 0
February 20, 2018, 04:13:32 AM |
Only one developer in the team?
we have a few more which we will be adding shortly
equitybase (OP)
Activity: 151
Merit: 0
February 20, 2018, 08:25:42 AM |
Зaмeчaтeльный пpoeкт,oчeнь xopoшaя кoнцeпция, этo дeйcтвитeльнo звyчит xopoшo,я xoтeл бы yчacтвoвaть и пoддepживaть этy плaтфopмy, пoтoмy чтo oнa выглядит oчeнь мнoгooбeщaющим и интepecным пpoeктoм, a тaкжe имeeт oгpoмный пoтeнциaл для ycпexa в бyдyщeм, я пpoчитaл дoкyмeнт и дopoжнyю кapтy, этo дeйcтвитeльнo пoтpяcaющe! Я oчeнь paд быть чacтью этoгo.Haдeюcь, чтo вaши пpoeкты бyдyт ycпeшными и ycпeшными, бoльшe oбнoвлeний пpoeктa.
thank you very much for your support, please join our bounty program if you have interest. We will be offering weekly token giveaways as well
equitybase (OP)
Activity: 151
Merit: 0
February 20, 2018, 08:04:20 PM |
Hello! I am editor from icoholder.com. Your ICO was added to our listing and now is available to investors: https://icoholder.com/en/equitybase-18380 You can edit your Page by adding more information about your ICO after verification and also verify team members to improve ranking. thank you, we will verify team and other info as well.

Activity: 238
Merit: 11
February 20, 2018, 08:05:27 PM |
I guess there must be many obstacles when a new team decides to make "global" company from scratch. But anyway, I admire your courage and wish you good luck!
equitybase (OP)
Activity: 151
Merit: 0
February 20, 2018, 08:55:04 PM |
I guess there must be many obstacles when a new team decides to make "global" company from scratch. But anyway, I admire your courage and wish you good luck!
wont be easy, we will launch our crowdfunding platform in united states first, then aboard once we obtain additional regulatory license respectively. Process of obtaining license will be very time consuming and expensive but we are looking toward it.