is NoderX?
Noderx is a decentralized CryptoCurrency, that allows instant transactions to anyone, anywhere in the world. Our block time is just 60 sec, which ensures lightning fast transactions. Masternode feature helps our network to achieve faster and more private transactions. Masternode holders will get 80 percent of the total block value.
Coin supply: 100 Million
Algorithm: X11
Block Time: 60 sec
Premine: 2%
Masternode: 5000 Noderx
Masternode confirmations: 15
Masternode Reward: 80% of block
P2P Port: 53310
RPC Port: 53311
Min Mature time: 1 hr
Proof of work:
10 Noderx TILL 6000 blocks
Proof Of Stake:
From block 1 to 40000: 12.5 Noderx
From block 40000 to 80000: 15 Noderx
From block 80000 to end: 12.5 Noderx
Masternode Rewards (80% from Proof of stake):
From block 1 to 40000: 10 Noderx
From block 40000 to 80000: 12 Noderx
From block 80000 to end: 10 Noderx
Stocks.Exchange (Coming Soon) (Coming Soon)
Kucoin (Coming Soon)
Mining Pools:
-a x11 -o stratum+tcp:// -u YOUR_WALLET -p c=NDX
Replace YOUR_WALLET with your wallet address.
-a x11 -o stratum+tcp:// -u <YOUR WALLET ADDRESS> -p c=NDX
Replace YOUR_WALLET with your wallet address.
Website: Wallet:!zIp2DKzT!N1sW5HOSkI-uz0QCWghPlUAS-ivL5jxDxkVvvIwd_aoGithub:
Discord: Explorer:
* There will be no presale of this Coin.