We know that there are a load of non-profit worldchanging Bitcoin ventures out there and we want to help for FREE!
Please send me a PM, email
bitcoin@bitcoinprbuzz.com or go to
http://bitcoinprbuzz.com/servicesWhile distributing a full blown Press Release would be too costly for us - we can feature you on our website at
http://bitcoinprbuzz.com/bitcoinprbuzzfeed and we may even do some basic distribution to some Press Release networks!
We currently serve over 30 000 pageviews per month and all content is syndicated widely through twitter, Bitcoin news sites and the Bitcoin ecosystem. We have spent the last three months building a wide Bitcoin distribution network from our site. If you can supply us with a 300 - 500 word article (or information) we'll edit it, put it up and syndicate it for you for FREE
We may even do some basic distribution to some Press Release networks!
Our RSS feed subscribers are climbing at a rapid rate and who knows maybe another media outlet will also do a story on you
Looking forward to hearing from all of the awesome non-profit Bitcoin projects out there!