GameCredits and Verge have been consistently profitable over the last couple days. I'd normally say just go for Litecoin but it's actually been less profitable than the two aforementioned coins for quite some time.
I bought my first L3 in Sept, it arrived in December and I have been bouncing around mining quite a bit of coin. I used MultiPool and CoinWarz to get the best rates per day but I did find Madcoin (MDC) that seems to make a good return but it is a total $hitcoin. I mine 50 to 80 coins a day which is $18 to $30. I trade them off every few days on Crypto-Bridge for XVG or LTC
I have ordered two more L3+ Antminers and they will be shipping soon. I was wondering what everyone else is mining with their Antminers?
Wouldn't you have expected the difficulty to go down even more since they are going to ship more L3+s? They have atleast 3 batches coming in March.
Why would the difficulty go
down if they're shipping
more miners?