How long do you think I would have to wait until I break even or see profits? I bought nearly all my coins near ATH, unfortunately.
For example - I bought NEBL when it was trading at around $48. It is now $14.04. I bought SUB when it was trading at around $3.25. It is now $0.54. Bought DRGN when it was trading around $5! It's now $1.41. Everytime I see portfolio, I really wonder how much longer time it will take for me to at least break even or see some green. Sometimes, I get worried they will never recover. Should I be worried? Realistically, how long do you think I might have to wait to see some turnaround? Thanks
Some of the coins in your portfolio like NEBL may never recover.
DRGN and SUB may be will recover in 6-12 months to ATH levels.
Count those as frozen active and stop looking at prices. Check it in few month. In meantime choose some good ICO's to make some fresh profits.