Is there a way to find the derivation path using my ETH address?
I told you before above:
IIRC Trezor's derivation path for ETH is m/44'/60'/0'/0/
Trezor, Jaxx, Metamask, imtoken, and Exodus all use the same derivation path.
the funny thing is that I can generate all the new addresses with their associated private keys using the BIP39, the same ones i see when i connect my Trezor on myetherwallet.
What then is the problem?
If you generate the same addresses that means you're using the right seed and path.
Thanks a lot, I fixed it, I was using a different derivation path which was not the Trezor's default one. Thanks a lot for your help.
Another thing i am unsure about is deriving my LTC private key for my Segwit addresses that start with M on my trezor.
m/49'/2'/0'/0 --> this one is for M Segwit LTC
m/44'/2'/0'/0 ---> this one is for Legacy LTC
when I derive their private keys, they both come as Lxxxxxxxxx and it's not a match for the M addresses for Segwit in my trezor.
I'm totally lost in this one as I'm not even sure if its possible to derive private key for M segwit address and import it into LTC core