Good Day sir/mam
I am bit.jrgmprs, i just lost my wallet json file and didn't have a back up of it. I recently joined your bounty campaigns and indicated there my lost eth wallet address. Can I give you a new address of my eth wallet?
Thank you so much, I hope you understand.
Please refer to the information below for my recognition and legitimacy.
Bitcointalk Username: bit.jrgmprs
Bitcointalk URL:
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1865622 Etherwallet address (LOST/CORRUPTED): 0xcd81b03042a35Edb0E020b622Dd74E29540bf617
Etherwallet address (NEW ETH WALLET): 0x7e875F905F3190Ca0660F5Ef1Cd3e2AA6b2FF0e2
Facebook Profile URL:
https://www.facebook.com/i.am.Kalabasa Twitter Profile URL:
https://twitter.com/jrg_mprs Telegram Profile address: @jrgmprs
Twitter Audit URL:
https://www.twitteraudit.com/jrg_mprs -Jeorge Emprese/bit.jrgmprs