Are you using electrum mobile?
There's no other way to recover your wallet unless if you still had the backup seed phrase or private key other than that its impossible that your wallet to open again.. the same as wallet.dat in phone i don't think if you can find it in phone system if you lucky to get the wallet.dat its still useless because its encrypted.
Just try to find your seed phrase maybe you place your phrase somewhere in your phone or computer or wrote them to your note.
You can try to bruteforce your pin/passphrase of your wallet file with btcrecover ( if its either
1) an easy passphrase or
2) you remember parts of your phrase/pin
This should work in low version but i don't think if this could work in new version of electrum and i think he is talking about phone since he wanted to move the electrum files to sd card then put to other rooted phone.