All of these sites you listed I heard about two weeks ago being ethconnect/neoconnect and they folded already?
This just goes to show you that cryptolending platforms do not work.
Not when your end customers are money thirsty customers from the third world countries who don't intend to pay back loans.
As soon as bitconnect died being the first big one to gain a very large following then came davor coin you just knew it was going to scam all their lenders.
It was seen just because they came out with a similar model as bitconnect and I think from what I remember it was created by the early investors from bitconnect if I am not mistaken.
So that right there should of told those people who invested that these guys were up to no good.
Bitconnect was a Ponzi since day 1.Anyone who didn't realise it fell for the scam and then should have no regrets as community had warned them which was taken very lightly.It's not the company's fault,it's the idiots who fall for anything around here.
Now the major promotors are going to court for bitconnect.
Maybe they were just doing a last call to get enough money to cover their lawyers fees.
The case isn't going anywhere last I checked.