I am paying .25 LTC for everyone who writes a negative review for a backstabbing company I used to work for.
Your IP address must be from within the U.S. or the review will be taken off within 24hours, and each review must be a different IP as well as an email you will get a confirmation code from.
It takes less than 5 minutes, real easy, I just want to fuck him for fucking me. They depend on their reviews which they make up anyway. Contact me for further details
by the way you dont have to write much at all, if you want to write a paragraph or 2 to make it seem more believable, ill pay .50 LTC, but just a couple sentences will work fine.
Oh, Jesus Christ On A Raft!
You want to pay people pennies for lying about someone because you are pissed off and having some sort of issue with them.
YOU are what is wrong with the Internet today.
If the employer fucked you and you had any kind of case at all, you would not be here in this forum trying to get people to get on your side for payment.
Get a life and some balls, even if you have to buy them.
My $.02.
(What a jerk!)