I decided to use the contact button on
www.bitminter.com and received a very speedy reply from Geir H. Hansen, BitMinter operator. Very friendly gentleman and took the time to say this:
"the pay per block is calculated based on the amount of work in the last
10 shifts that belong to you. If you do more work (your hashrate goes
up) it will go up. If the pool hashrate goes up (others do more work) it
will go down, but at the same time we get more blocks per day, so your
average payout is the same. If you take a break from mining then your
pay per block will be longer until that break is not among the last 10
shifts anymore."
He went on to say in another message:
" Pay per block will be back up again after
your machine has been working for a while."
So... the longer you mine at Bitminter, your Expected per block value will/should increase (to a certain point I'd imagine there is some limit or cap). Other attributes that will increase your expected per block value:
Adding more hash power to your rig.
Others on the Bitminter Pool increasing their hash power.
Keeping low downtime on your miners.
This makes sense as my internet was out for nearly a whole day, which was a lot of shifts that I missed out on. Once that "gap" wasn't in the shift history (Last 10 shifts) my block value returned to normal
I hope this helps others. I know I was pretty confused and a little sad