What happened:: There is high quality forged Google ad, impersonating coinmarketcap.com (see screenshot below)
After inspection we are unable to determine the mechanism but the following was observed:
URL is exactly the same.
No homoglyphs, no mixed alphabets, it hashes the same with the legit string.
The excerpt from source:
<a style="display:none" href="/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwi8oK7ejsLZAhVZibIKHQHCBHAYABABGgJscg&sig=AOD64_0ZJhvOZ-0Nf2kK_QgC2W8ewzFjKw&q=&ved=0ahUKEwi64KjejsLZAhVFhiwKHQCbBLUQ0QwIKA&adurl=" id="n1s0p2c0"></a>
<a class="_Jwu r-ieTJdWpaBQ8I" href="https://coinmarketcap.com/" id="vn1s0p2c0" onmousedown="return google.arwt(this)" ontouchstart="return google.arwt(this)" data-preconnect-urls="http://monkey-tracker.info/" jsl="$t t-zxXzjt1d4B0;$x 0;">Cryptocurrency Market Capitalizations | CoinMarketCap</a>
shows replaced
data-preconnect-urls argument which is used for redirection to whatever the attacker needs.
Currently it redirects to
https://thebitcoincode.com/, but as you can imagine same technique can be used in numerous phishing attempts.
If anyone has explanation how they did it, please submit a bug report @ Google
Disclaimer: Reproduced on different machines with different browsers.
Unable to reproduce with another google account.
Reference screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/t63y0Additional Notes: The domain is privacy protected and is linked to vps hosted in Moscow.