I haven't heard of Sooloox, they need to put up a thread here so people can ask questions and find out about their iCO.
Some more details to the impact of Sooloox1. ConsumersWouldn`t it be great if all your personal data which is collected by others already, will be under your control?
Gadgets like Alexa, Siri, your car, navigation systems, your entire e-mail conversations, conversations made with phones or other recorded conversations, TV, PC, Tablet, video data from your house alarm system etc. all of this data would be collected, organized [&] deployed under your control in order to give you an extra income.
Life would be much easier for you, because you do not have to search for products or services – you will get quotes – exactly fitting to your needs [&] wishes.
You don´t have to waste energy for searching a fitting product, you don`t have to look after the receipt for the guarantee, you won´t have to search for a manual, you will directly find all services related to your order – all data concerning your interests, all your wishes, and your needs in the IDTX. The IDTX manages all relevant data concerning products and services as well.
So - what would be in it for consumers? 4 examplesFirst example:Lead income for insurance relevant data e.g. property, liability, health, live and car insurance might be between 1,000 – 5,000 USD
The income for the personal data will depend on a lot of different factors – main factor will be:
How interesting is your personal data profile for a company / vendor. If you spend 30 k p.a. for needs and wishes you will probably have a three times higher revenue than somebody who spends just 10 k p.a.
All the devices in our live do record our conversations anyway – IOT will speed up this process. Sooloox wants to make all this data available for you too.
How will this work?
The Interest Dimension [&] Transaction box is a massive tool. It combines existing data base technology with blockchain technology – here Ethereum blockchain. The IDTX contains and transacts all relevant data of products, services, needs, wishes, transactions etc. The IDTX is a multidimensional tool itself.
We think, nowadays we centralize the wrong data - personal data.
Furthermore, these data are getting executed by the wrong market players - monopolies.
We decentralize disposal data in thousands of different databases – most of them uncertain or invalid – address data.
We think it could be much more effective to have a central world-wide address data base with free access for all. The record won´t include names of the inhabitants – but including the geographic data and a qualification if it is a company/personal/institution/mixed data record. With the help of the crowd combined with revenue to each crowd participant we will build the most valid address data base in the world.
We think it is much more efficient to have the opportunity to choose an address-street-data-record than individually typing it. Incorrect data records will decrease with positive impact: more comfort and less costs.
Vendors will “love to” pay a small transaction fee to the authors for each use because it will decrease their costs for postage [&] delivery. It´s a win win situation.
Some shops and apps offer you this service to choose a street-name, city name, country, postcode etc. already, but it is rarely common because it is expensive to get connection to proper databases and it is only available in some cities / countries – data records rarely can be bought on demand. With Sooloox all users can be part of the decentral – central database of worldwide addresses – including revenue –
second example of income opportunities for consumers. The income will increase if consumers connect their name with the address data record.
Why don´t we get a manual for an alarm-clock in proper e.g. German or Spanish though the product was made in China?
Mostly it´s too pricy for producers of mass articles getting their product manuals translated properly. Alternatively, users can search the internet for a manual. Some videos are good - mostly it´s quite a waste of time crawling through all the video sequences or you even do not find any fitting video.
By use of the IDTX, Sooloox offers the opportunity to all users helping to build up e.g. an ideal manual for any product. We call these users “authors”. Authors and co-authors will get an incentive from each transaction related to this IDTX. With Sooloox all users can take part in the community of “authors”. Sooloox uses the potential of the crowd like Wikipedia but at Sooloox each individual of the crowd who has been an active part defining a product by data processing to an IDTX will get revenue for this activity. At the start of Sooloox platform we will come along with a bunch of product IDTX data but there are millions of products in the world, so there will be a great chance for all users to get revenue of being a part of our product (co)-author community. We expect to have multi authors for each product/service which is described and determined in an IDTX -
third example of possible income for consumers.
Product descriptions, determinations, recommendations etc. will be evaluated by other users of Sooloox community – we call them nodes –
fourth example of possible income for consumers.
There is lot of scope for paying consumers, authors [&] nodes because vendors will save two massive cost-blocks in their calculation by using IDTX – costs for advertising [&] costs for middleman – which might be up to 90% of the original price.
2. CompaniesWhat are the main advantages for companies to use Sooloox platform?
a) Marketing [&] CustomersSooloox will be companies way out of marketing monopolies. Social media or search engine ads are actually the most relevant marketing channels for vendors. Online marketing wants to be pinpoint but it´s expensive and includes massive waste coverage. There is no chance for a start-up e.g. an insurance broker to find customers via online advertising – competition is extreme – absurd prices per click.
Sooloox platform should be the place for vendors not to search for customers but to choose customers. Users sell their wishes and needs which leads to sale of products [&] services.
b) business processesThe usage of IDTX will result into more process transparency, process improvement [&] process automation via smart contracts. It would be a great advantage for every company/vendor to have direct access to consumers including valid address records. KYC is an important topic for vendors because of rules against money laundering. Furthermore, the direct contact to the users will have a positive impact on product development and recommendations.
c) webshopsERP systems are already a complex and pricy but absolutely necessary infra structure software system for any company. It makes it even more complex to connect ERP with online shops. Online shops need a lot of maintenance especially to have up to date product pictures, product descriptions, manuals, etc. IDTX will include all these data with an update service via nodes [&] authors. IDTX will enable all vendors to use Sooloox Apps without running an own online shop. A connection via interface to existing shops will be available.
With IDTX products and services can be sold, auctioned or rented.
d) target audienceIt´s not always easy for vendors to find their target audience and it is as expensive to reach customers for top sellers as for niches products. Sooloox enables vendors to purchase leads of their target audiences directly from consumers. Because auf the product / service description [&] determination via IDTX only the target audience will be addressed.
e) costs of saleSooloox will setup a low transaction fee for the usage of the IDTX. These transaction fees will be less than half of the fees monopoly portals invoice. Parts of this fee will be used to pay nodes [&] authors for their processing.
f) No entrance barriersSooloox platform will be without relevant entrance barriers for company´s platform usage. Start-ups, niche vendors, well-established and power sellers have all the same chances to reach their target audience.
g) Easy payment managementTransactions on Sooloox platform should be made by any currency even crypto. Therefore, Sooloox will provide with bank licenses in order to enable world-wide transactions in the most comfortable way.
h) market place for services [&] productsThere are heaps of shops and portals to purchase physical products and there a some portals for services. But there is no combination of both. Sooloox will combine these two on a platform. The platform tool IDTX will enable the crowd to build apps for the plurality of use cases in order to improve the usability of Sooloox. As a portal Sooloox will invite the crowd to program [&] develop new apps.
3. Cash-Account-Key ownersHave you ever heard about a token which can be used in three ways?
CAK token can.
CAK token are not a new "currency" nor a "lubricant" for an eco-system. CAK token are a functional good - we call it Cash Account Key. The token is necessary for all users of the platform to transfer the revenues generated to other e.g. bank accounts. In the beginning user have a "Start-Account". To transfer the money they need a CAK to get a "Cash-Account"
Three advantages of CAK token:
A token can be
used to update own "Start-Account" A token can be
resold e.g. to "Start-Account" usersThis means the purchaser aims for a short-term profit. At pre-sale time CAK are sold at 3 USD. Including all bonuses at pre-sale the average cost of one CAK will be 1.35 USD if a minimum of 10 CAK are bought.
A token can be
rented out to "Start-Account" usersThis means the purchaser aims for long term profits. The renting has to be on an annual basis. Prices [&] conditions for renting are free negotiable. Sooloox gives non-binding recommendations for renting. The average estimated income for renting a CAK might be between 100 USD p.a. for a CAK rented to an owner of a consumer account and 900 USD p.a. if it´s a company’s account.
4. Marketa) Advertising market
Sooloox is willing to change the existing marketing model. By changing the model, we aim to change the whole advertising market. Recent marketing models are based on “stolen” data. Also these marketing methods are based on historical data – they are always behind and not efficient.
b) Market supply
IDTX will lead to far more product variety because of no entrance barriers for vendors. Sooloox will e.g. enable a coffee farmer in Guatemala to make transactions directly with customers all over the world. Consumers will be able to purchase products which they won´t find in online shops because of a lack of infrastructure in many countries. A mobile phone will be enough to manage IDTX transactions but it´s not suitable to manage a whole online shop.
Many stationary shops suffer because of online competitors. These local stores do not even have online applications for their potential customers. Sooloox will enable all stores to sell their products online and to make their local store more attractive to further consumers.
c) Middleman
There will come hard times for all middleman of sale and purchasing processes. Blockchain transactions are based on a peer to peer transaction model. There won´t be any much space left for middleman including online marketing as known today.
5. CommunityIt is the intention of sooloox to be far more than a software toolbox. Our tool IDTX is the basis [&] and the beginning of a platform-based multinational community of Sooloox participants.
a) AuthorsSome producers will define their articles via IDTX on their own, others will be glad about ready-to-use IDTX for transacting. Anybody can be an author or co-author of a digital IDTX. There will be need for millions of IDTX to picture the full market.
(Co)-authors will participate with a percentage from IDTX transactions.
b) NodesSome people know about nodes already. The understanding of a nodes role at sooloox is similar to e.g. nodes for bitcoin transactions. Nodes are needed to evaluate and authorize transactions or processes. Sooloox will use existing node-networks for crypto-currency transactions. There are a lot of other transactions Sooloox intend to build up its own node-network.
Before transactions of an author are final and ready to be online nodes need to check and confirm e.g. product recommendations, validation of user identities
Nodes will participate with a percentage from IDTX transactions.